Tuesday 8 October 2019

paradigms of anxiety , stress, psychosis, psychology, hallucinations, schizophrenia and mental well beings

Stop exercising resistance but let loose, breath in and out, let information in and allow it out. we don’t think about the breath in, do we? We let go and breath out. 

Stop remembering unpleasant moment just to express yourself or please your ego. Pray for me to practice what i talk about as i end up falling victim to it. don’t let what you find disturbing to tarnished your peace at that time , stay in control maintain your peace, forgive the situation, think different , realize

you have been there before. 

No matter how disturbing and fearful your thoughts becomes, lives through it , its matters that you don’t give up on all that is important to you . 

You are doing great , remember the enemy disturbed your mindset which is your flow, in other to mess up your thought so they can manipulate you.

There is no actual fear in you, let go of your conscience and stop worrying over what your actions might be, or what you think is going on , for most time it is mind over matter, and can also be express as if there is no mind, there is no matter, it is all in the head. Stay on your game plan, don’t play with it , it’s not your friend . relax, don’t allow your anger, emotions, worry and fear to get mess up. Our emotions has different level of body charges , negatives and positives, this include toxins charges, when release by the body it messes up your body system, be careful for this is exploitable. Your thinking becomes irrational even your word. This can lead to chemical or fluids imbalance in the brain , causes your brain neutron (cell membranes ) to misfire, example is saying the wrong word, or not finding your word or in a state of confuse or becomes disorientated , all this is because you have been disrupted and your breathing has been restricted by brain, this becomes a pain and your feel heavy in your head , be calm keep breathing and look for your relief, think different, have a drink, eat some food, take your medication, and stay off your foot, stay aware, focus.